
The Level Up Menu is where the Player may spend points to add or improve Perks and attributes.

The LevelUpMenu class extends IMenu and is responsible for managing the perk selection interface when a player levels up. The menu allows players to choose perks, view their descriptions, and confirm their selections.


  • CloseMenu : Function()
  • SelectPerk : Function()
  • PlaySound : Function()
  • onGridAddedToStage : Function()
  • RegisterPerkGridComponents : Function()
  • GetXPInfo : Function()
  • PlayZoomSound : Function()
  • StopPerkSound : Function()
  • GetPerkInfoByRank : Function()
  • PlayPerkSound : Function()

Class Documentation

The LevelUpMenu.as file contains the ActionScript code for a user interface menu that likely pertains to a level-up system in a game. Below is an overview of the code structure and functionalities.

Class Properties

The LevelUpMenu class contains several public and private properties for handling UI elements, button hints, and perk selection logic.

Property Type Description
GridView_mc PerkGrid The grid view that displays available perks.
PerkInfo_mc MovieClip The UI component that shows detailed information about a selected perk.
XPMeterHolder_mc MovieClip Holds the experience (XP) meter for the player.
ButtonHintBar_mc BSButtonHintBar A bar that provides hints for the button controls.
uiPerkCount uint The number of perks the player can select.
errorDisapearTimer Timer A timer to handle the disappearance of error messages.
bConfirming Boolean Indicates if the player is in the process of confirming a perk selection.
AcceptButton, CancelButton, PrevPerkButton, NextPerkButton BSButtonHintData Button data for accepting, canceling, and navigating perks.


The constructor initializes the UI components and button hints. It also sets up event listeners for various user interactions.

public function LevelUpMenu() {
    // ... Initialization code ...

Public Methods

The class provides methods for handling various actions within the menu.

Method Description
onCodeObjCreate() Initializes the perk grid and XP information.
onCodeObjDestruction() Clears references upon destruction.
ProcessUserEvent() Processes user input events, such as button presses.
InvalidateGrid() Refreshes the perk grid.

Protected Methods

These methods provide internal logic for perk selection, UI updates, and confirmation processes.

Method Description
onGridItemPress() Handles the event when a perk item is pressed.
TryToAcquirePerk() Attempts to acquire a selected perk.
OnSelectPerk() Finalizes the perk selection.
UpdateSelectionText() Updates text information for the selected perk.
RefreshStarStates() Updates the visual state of the perk’s rank stars.
SetButtons() Configures the visibility and state of control buttons.
StartConfirmation() Begins the confirmation process for selecting a perk.
EndConfirmation() Ends the confirmation process.
ShowErrorText() Displays an error message.
ClearErrorText() Clears error messages from the UI.

Event Handlers

The class listens for various events and defines handlers accordingly.

Event Handler Description
PerkGrid.SELECTION_CHANGE onGridSelectionChange() Invoked when the perk selection changes.
PerkGrid.ZOOMING onGridZoom() Invoked when the grid zoom changes.
PerkGrid.TEXTURES_LOADED onGridTexturesLoaded() Invoked when the perk textures have loaded.
TimerEvent.TIMER onTimerClearErrorText() Invoked when the error message timer elapses.

Example Usage

1. Creating an instance of LevelUpMenu:

var levelUpMenu:LevelUpMenu = new LevelUpMenu();

2. Responding to a perk selection:

// This snippet is a simplified example of how a perk might be selected

3. Processing a button hint event:

// Example of handling a user event, such as pressing the "Accept" button
levelUpMenu.ProcessUserEvent("Accept", false);

Emoji Summary:

  • 🎮 The LevelUpMenu manages a game’s level-up interface.
  • ⭐ It includes functionality to display perks and handle player interactions.
  • 🛠️ Constructors and methods facilitate the creation and operation of the menu.