
Overview :page_facing_up:

The PowerArmorHUDMenu.as file contains a single ActionScript class intended for use in a gaming context. This class is responsible for creating a Heads-Up Display (HUD) Menu specifically for a Power Armor user interface.

It extends the IMenu class, which presumably provides foundational menu functionality within the game’s UI system.

Class Definition :classical_building:

File Name: PowerArmorHUDMenu.as

Package: (Root package)


  • Shared.IMenu

Class: PowerArmorHUDMenu

Inheritance: PowerArmorHUDMenu is a dynamic subclass of IMenu.

Properties :straight_ruler:

Property Type Description
CompassWidget_mc HUDCompassWidget A member variable intended to represent the compass widget on the HUD.

Constructor :construction:

The constructor method initializes the PowerArmorHUDMenu class.

public function PowerArmorHUDMenu() {

Usage :video_game:

To use the PowerArmorHUDMenu class within the game, one would need to create an instance of it, which will in turn initialize its superclass, IMenu. The CompassWidget_mc property is accessible for further manipulation if needed, such as setting its position, visibility, or any other relevant functionality provided by the HUDCompassWidget class.

Example :memo:

Below is a simple example of how the PowerArmorHUDMenu might be instantiated within the game’s code:

// Create an instance of the PowerArmorHUDMenu
var hudMenu:PowerArmorHUDMenu = new PowerArmorHUDMenu();

// Assuming additional functionality on the CompassWidget_mc

:warning: Note: Since this is a high-level documentation based on the provided code snippet, the actual implementation details and the methods available on CompassWidget_mc may vary.

Bold Elements: Elements such as class names, method names, and property names have been bolded for quick identification.

:sparkles: Emoji Guide:

  • :page_facing_up: - Indicates documentation or information sections.
  • :classical_building: - Represents the class definition and structure.
  • :straight_ruler: - Used for outlining properties or variables.
  • :construction: - Marks the constructor of the class.
  • :video_game: - Signals usage or behavioral context within the game.
  • :memo: - Suggests an example or code snippet.
  • :warning: - Denotes attention or caution regarding the code or its usage.