
The FaderMenu class extends the IMenu class, providing functionality for managing fades and display of a spinner icon during loading or transitions.

The class has methods for initializing and updating the fade effect, as well as handling the completion of the fade. The Fader Menu is used when the a menu might fade in or out.

Class Overview

Filename: FaderMenu.as

Extends: IMenu


  • var BGSCodeObj:Object
  • var FadeRect_mc:MovieClip
  • var SpinnerIcon_mc:MovieClip
  • var FadeValue:Number
  • function SetImmediateWhiteFullFade():*
  • function initFade(param1:Boolean, param2:Boolean, param3:Number, param4:Number, param5:Boolean, param6:Boolean):*
  • function updateFade(param1:Number):*


  • function onFadeDone():void

Public Members

Member Name Type Description
BGSCodeObj Object An object to hold the Bethesda Game Studio Code.
FadeRect_mc MovieClip The MovieClip responsible for the fade effect.
SpinnerIcon_mc MovieClip The MovieClip of the spinner icon displayed during loading or transitions.
FadeValue Number The current fade value.

Private Members

Member Name Type Description
fStartAlpha Number The starting alpha transparency for the fade effect.
fEndAlpha Number The ending alpha transparency for the fade effect.
fFadeDuration Number The duration of the fade effect in seconds.
fFadeElapsedSecs Number The elapsed time in seconds since the fade effect started.
fTotalElapsedSecs Number The total elapsed time in seconds since some reference point (not specified in the code).
iPostFadeCountdown int A countdown timer for actions to take after the fade is complete.
fMinNumSeconds Number The minimum number of seconds to wait before updating the fade.
bShaderFadeActivated Boolean Flag to indicate if shader-based fade is activated.


public function FaderMenu() {
    this.BGSCodeObj = new Object();
    this.fStartAlpha = 1;
    this.FadeValue = this.fStartAlpha;
    this.fEndAlpha = 0;
    this.fFadeDuration = 0;
    this.fFadeElapsedSecs = 0;
    this.fTotalElapsedSecs = 0;
    this.fMinNumSeconds = 0;
    this.iPostFadeCountdown = -1;

Public Methods

  • onSetSafeRect(): Ensures the SpinnerIcon_mc is locked to the safe rectangle’s bottom right corner.

  • SetImmediateWhiteFullFade(): Immediately sets the fade to white and full opacity.

  • initFade(): Initializes the fade effect with various parameters to control the fade and spinner visibility.

  • updateFade(): Updates the fade based on elapsed time and handles the completion of the fade effect.

Usage Example

To initialize a fade:

var faderMenu:FaderMenu = new FaderMenu();
faderMenu.initFade(true, false, 1.0, 0.5, false, true);

To update the fade within a frame update loop:


Note: The snippet assumes deltaTime is the time passed since the last update call in seconds.

🚩 Important Notes

  • The fade effect depends on the elapsed time and duration values.
  • The BGSCodeObj object would typically provide a callback function, such as onFadeDone, which is called when the fade completes.
  • The visibility and color of FadeRect_mc and SpinnerIcon_mc can be adjusted based on the parameters provided to initFade.