
The DialogueMenu class extends the IMenu class and is responsible for handling the dialogue menu within a game, consisting of four button hints for positive, negative, neutral, and question responses.

Filename: DialogueMenu.as

Class Members

Public Members

  • FadeHolder_mc: A MovieClip object that holds the animations related to the dialogue menu.
  • BGSCodeObj: An Object used to interact with external code, likely to handle game-specific logic and UI feedback.

Private Members

  • Buttons: A Vector containing BSButtonHint objects to represent the button hints on the dialogue menu.
  • ButtonAnimators: A Vector containing MovieClip objects for animating the button hints’ appearance.
  • ButtonData: A Vector containing BSButtonHintData objects that store data related to the button hints.
  • PositiveBtnData, NegativeBtnData, NeutralBtnData, QuestionBtnData: Individual BSButtonHintData objects for the four types of dialogue responses.
  • LastPressedButtonIndex: A uint representing the index of the last pressed button.
  • _ButtonsShown: A Boolean indicating whether the buttons are currently displayed.


public function DialogueMenu() {

Initializes button data, binds animations, and prepares the FadeHolder_mc for interaction.

Public Functions

  • onSetSafeRect(): Locks the menu to a safe area on the screen.
  • onCodeObjCreate(): Registers objects with BGSCodeObj and initializes button hints.
  • SetButtonText(param1:uint, param2:String): Sets the text for a specific button.
  • ShowButtonHelp(): Animates the appearance of button hints.
  • HideButtonHelp(): Animates the disappearance of button hints.
  • EnableMenu(): Shows the dialogue menu.
  • DisableMenu(): Hides the dialogue menu.
  • ProcessUserEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean): Processes user input and triggers the appropriate response.
  • PlaySpeechChallengeAnim(): Begins an animation related to a speech challenge.
  • OnSpeechChallengeAnimComplete(): Callback for when the speech challenge animation is complete.

Private Functions

  • onPositivePress(), onNegativePress(), onNeutralPress(), onQuestionPress(): Handlers for button press events.
  • onPositiveRelease(), onNegativeRelease(), onNeutralRelease(), onQuestionRelease(): Handlers for button release events.
  • onButtonPress(param1:uint): Marks a button as pressed.
  • onButtonRelease(param1:uint): Marks a button as released and informs BGSCodeObj.

Frame Scripts

  • frame1(): Stops playback at frame 1.
  • frame5(): Stops playback at frame 5.

Usage Example

To use the DialogueMenu, an instance must be created and the necessary functions called in response to user input or game events. Here is a stylized example of how it might be used, assuming the DialogueMenu class is integrated into an existing game engine or framework:

// Create an instance of the DialogueMenu
var dialogueMenu:DialogueMenu = new DialogueMenu();

// Show the menu

// Set button texts
dialogueMenu.SetButtonText(0, "Agree");
dialogueMenu.SetButtonText(1, "Disagree");
dialogueMenu.SetButtonText(2, "Ask");
dialogueMenu.SetButtonText(3, "Ignore");

// Show button help when needed

// ... (during gameplay) ...

// Process user input
var userInput:String = "MultiActivateA"; // Example input
dialogueMenu.ProcessUserEvent(userInput, true);

📋 Table: Button Data Summary

Index Button Hint Data Description
0 PositiveBtnData Positive response
1 NegativeBtnData Negative response
2 NeutralBtnData Neutral response
3 QuestionBtnData Question/response

Note: The SetButtonText method capitalizes the provided text before setting it on the button.