
The Credits Menu is a scrolling list of names which recognize the Bethesda Studios team behind Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit.

This menu loads the credits text from the Data\Interface\Credits.txt file.


  • var BGSCodeObj:Object
  • var CreditsStrings:Array
  • var CreditsLines:Array
  • var CreditsContainer:MovieClip
  • var CreditsFonts:Array
  • var Background_mc:MovieClip
  • var ButtonHintBar_mc:BSButtonHintBar
  • function onCodeObjDestruction():*
  • function onCodeObjCreate():void
  • function ProcessUserEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean):Boolean
  • function onEnterFrame(param1:Event):void
  • function formatLine(param1:TextField, param2:int):void
  • function appendCredits(param1:String):void
  • function onMouseWheel(param1:MouseEvent):void
  • function onQuitPress():Boolean


  • function closeMenu():void
  • function getScrollSpeed():Number
  • function requestCredits():void Documentation

This documentation provides information about the CreditsMenu class located in the file.


The CreditsMenu class extends IMenu and is responsible for creating and managing the behavior of a credits screen within a game, specifically designed for the Adobe ActionScript 3 environment.


Here is a list of properties with their descriptions:

Property Name Type Description
StartY Number The starting Y position for the credits.
FadeStart Number The Y position where the fading of text starts.
FadeEnd Number The Y position where the fading of text ends.
EndY Number The ending Y position for the credits.
TextYRate Number The rate at which the credits scroll.
MinHeight Number The minimum height for text fields.
FontSize int The font size for the credits text.
TextColor int The color of the credits text.
BGSCodeObj Object An object for interacting with game-specific code.
CreditsStrings Array Array containing strings that represent individual credits.
CreditsLines Array Array containing display objects for each line of credits.
CreditsContainer MovieClip The MovieClip container that holds the credits display objects.
CreditsFonts Array An array of font information used to format the credits text.
Background_mc MovieClip The background movie clip for the credits screen.
startIndex int The starting index of the currently displayed credits.
endIndex int The ending index of the currently displayed credits.
maxEndIndex int The maximum index of credits that have been displayed.
ButtonHintBar_mc BSButtonHintBar The bar containing button hints.
BackButton BSButtonHintData The data for the back button hint.


Here is a list of methods with their descriptions:

Method Name Return Type Description
CreditsMenu() void Constructor for the CreditsMenu class. Initializes properties and listeners.
onSetSafeRect() void Protected method called to set the safe rectangle.
onCodeObjDestruction() * Cleans up listeners and references when the code object is destroyed.
onCodeObjCreate() void Called when the code object is created, initializes the credits.
PopulateButtonBar() void Populates the button bar with hint data.
ProcessUserEvent() Boolean Processes user events such as “Cancel” or “Start”, and determines if the quit press action should be executed.
onEnterFrame() void Called on each frame to animate the credits.
formatLine() void Applies formatting to a given text field based on font and index.
appendCredits() void Appends a new credits string to the credits display, with optional font tags for styling.
onMouseWheel() void Handles the mouse wheel event to scroll the credits.
onQuitPress() Boolean Handles the quit button press event and closes the menu.
moveCredits() void Moves the credit lines according to a given Y offset, managing which lines are displayed and the fade effect.

Example Usage

// Create a new instance of CreditsMenu
var creditsMenu:CreditsMenu = new CreditsMenu();

// Add credit lines with appendCredits method
creditsMenu.appendCredits("Director: John Doe");
creditsMenu.appendCredits("Producer: Jane Smith");

// Start the credits animation

// Handle the back button press

Additional Notes

  • The CreditsMenu class utilizes TextField objects to display text, formatted by TextFormat.
  • The BSButtonHintBar and BSButtonHintData classes are used to add interactive elements such as a back button to the credits screen.
  • For proper functionality, the game-specific code object (BGSCodeObj) must be set up to handle requests for credits and control the menu closure.
  • The pop and append patterns are used to manipulate the credits lines and fonts arrays which form the dynamic behavior of the scrolling credits.