
The Barter Menu is used to trade items between the Player and an Actor. This menu is usually opened through Actor dialogue scripts using the Actor.ShowBarterMenu() Papyrus function.


The ActionScript instance variable which points to the BarterMenu class is root1.FilterHolder_mc.Menu_mc where Menu_mc is an instance of The BarterMenu class in ActionScript directly inherits (extends) the class.


  • function PlaySound(name:String):void
  • function toggleSelectedItemEquipped(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):void
  • function confirmInvest():void
  • function inspectItem():void
  • function getSelectedItemEquipped(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):Boolean
  • function onIntroAnimComplete():void
  • function getItemValue(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):*
  • function getSelectedItemEquippable(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):Boolean
  • function show3D(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):void
  • function sendYButton():void
  • function sendXButton():void
  • function updateItemPickpocketInfo(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):void
  • function sortItems(isPlayerInv:Boolean, indexFilter:uint, arg3:Boolean):void
  • function exitMenu():void
  • function transferItem(index:int, inContainer:Boolean):void
  • function takeAllItems():void
  • function updateSortButtonLabel(isPlayerInv:Boolean, indexFilter:uint):void

See Also