
The Console Menu is where Console Commands may be executed.

Class Documentation

The is an ActionScript 3 class that defines functionality for a console interface within a Flash application. It enables users to input commands, navigate command history, and adjust the visual aspects of the console.

Class Definition

package {
  // Import statements...
  public class Console extends MovieClip {
    // Property and method definitions...


  • var BGSCodeObj:Object
  • var CommandEntry:TextField
  • var Background:MovieClip
  • var CommandHistory:TextField
  • var CurrentSelection:TextField
  • var CommandPrompt_tf:TextField
  • function get shown():Boolean
  • function get hiding():Boolean
  • function set currentSelection(param1:String):*
  • function set historyCharBufferSize(param1:uint):*
  • function set historyTextColor(param1:uint):*
  • function set textColor(param1:uint):*
  • function set textSize(param1:uint):*
  • function set size(param1:Number):*
  • function PositionTextFields():*
  • function Show():*
  • function ShowComplete():*
  • function Hide():*
  • function HideComplete():*
  • function Minimize():*
  • function PreviousCommand():*
  • function NextCommand():*
  • function AddHistory(param1:String):*
  • function SetCommandPrompt(param1:String):*
  • function ClearHistory():*
  • function ResetCommandEntry():*
  • function onKeyUp(param1:KeyboardEvent):*
  • function onResize():*


  • function onHideComplete():void
  • function executeCommand(command:String):void


Property Type Description
BGSCodeObj Object An object for interfacing with the underlying game console.
CommandEntry TextField The text field where the user enters commands.
Background MovieClip The background movie clip for the console.
CommandHistory TextField The text field displaying the history of entered commands.
CurrentSelection TextField The text field showing the current selection.
CommandPrompt_tf TextField The text field showing the command prompt.


Constant Type Description
PREVIOUS_COMMANDS uint The number of previous commands to store.
HistoryCharBufferSize uint The character buffer size for the command history.


Public Methods

  • Console(): Constructor that initializes the console.
  • shown: Getter that returns whether the console is shown and not animating.
  • hiding: Getter that returns whether the console is in the process of hiding.
  • set currentSelection(value:String): Setter to change the current selection text.
  • set historyCharBufferSize(value:uint): Setter to change the character buffer size.
  • set historyTextColor(value:uint): Setter to change the text color of the command history.
  • set textColor(value:uint): Setter to change the text color of command entry and selection.
  • set textSize(value:uint): Setter to change the text size of all text fields.
  • set size(value:Number): Setter to change the size of the console based on screen percentage.
  • PositionTextFields(): Method to reposition text fields when the console size changes.
  • Show(): Method to show the console.
  • ShowComplete(): Method to set the state when the console showing animation is complete.
  • Hide(): Method to hide the console.
  • HideComplete(): Method to set the state when the console hiding animation is complete.
  • Minimize(): Method to minimize the console.
  • PreviousCommand(): Method to navigate to the previous command in history.
  • NextCommand(): Method to navigate to the next command in history.
  • AddHistory(command:String): Method to add a command to the history.
  • SetCommandPrompt(prompt:String): Method to set the command prompt text.
  • ClearHistory(): Method to clear the command history.
  • ResetCommandEntry(): Method to reset the command entry.
  • onKeyUp(event:KeyboardEvent): Event handler for key up events.
  • onResize(): Event handler for stage resize events.

Private Methods

  • None


Event Type Listener Description
Event.RESIZE onResize Handles stage resize events to adjust the console layout.
KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP onKeyUp Handles key up events for command execution and navigation.

Usage Example

var myConsole:Console = new Console();


  • The Console class utilizes the scaleform.gfx extension for advanced text field manipulation.
  • The console’s interface elements (text fields, movie clips) are assumed to be set up within the Flash environment and linked to the class through instance names.
  • The BGSCodeObj object is intended to provide a bridge to the game’s or application’s code logic for command execution.
  • Customization of the console’s appearance and behavior can be achieved through the setter methods provided.

📂 Filename:

Bold elements are key components and functionality within the class definition that enable the Console to operate within a Flash application.