
See also the Guides section.


  • Adding the base source directory to the Flash document source imports.
  • Add a package namespace for Diagnostics.
  • Show how static unconfigured font symbols will appear fine, but turn to rectangles if you change the text through code.

Topic: User Interface

  • Explain the menu flags and their combinations.
  • Menu persistence with DoNotDeleteOnClose menu flag.
  • Explain menu depth layers and application domains.
  • Explain the injected f4se object and root/first-level callback.
  • Explain how to runtime inject Flash documents into other menus.

Topic: Advanced

  • Input for Keyboard, Mouse, and controller.
  • How to read TXT, XML, JSON, and other files on disk.
  • Explain how the UI resolution scaling works and the affects on ultra-wide.

Topic: Papyrus Integration

  • How to open the menu by key press.
  • How to open the menu by object activation.
  • How to open the menu by item activation/consumption.
  • How to open the menu by equipped item type.

Topic: Data Communication

  • Send and display game object data.
  • Send and display script object data.
  • Send and display an array of a single type.
  • Send and display an array of arrays.